[center] [b] [u] ~Jin~[/center] [/b] [/u] Once he was the only one standing under the massive yew, Jin decided to carry out his business as planned. The direction of his path was towards the Oculus Guild housing areas for members. Three buildings were designated for Oculus housing, one for new members, veterans and a third for employees specifically. Of course Jin was walking into the Oculus dorms. While making way to his room, Jin crossed paths with the [url=http://i.imgur.com/9gYBbLf.jpg]Head-Master[/url] of the Oculus Guild. Without hesitation the Guild-Master grabbed Jin's shoulder and stopped him mid stride. "Remember what we discussed my boy. You have one week from today. I suggest you make a team of sorts and complete a mission before then." Jin shook off the mans grasp and kept walking. "[b]In due time old man.[/b]" Were the only words that echoed from his armor while continuing his path onward. Arriving into his room, he enters a large room possessing a living-room and kitchen combination. Attached to the main room, was a bedroom and restroom. This room like all others in Oculus, were big enough to host four roommates. Due to the fact four more rooms were attached to this one. The building containing this basic apartment, was eight stories in all. Thus this building could house an intense amount of newer members of the guild, which it did. Since Jin was the most recent member to join Oculus. He currently has zero roommates. Sitting on the couch in the living room of the living-quarters. Jin's peripherals can't help from staring at the never to be used kitchen. He figured if anyone entered his living quarters, like a new room-mate or simply another member of the guild. They would easily tell he never uses the kitchen, could question if he even eats for that matter. The Guild-Master was currently one of the few people who held Jin's secret. Although the Guild-Master of Oculus acts more of a father then actual Guild-Master. So he more then likely possesses countless secrets between his students. All around, the Oculus Guild-Master is a wonderful man and only surpasses his kindness with skill as a Guild-Master.