The second Korina stepped out into the street she was assaulted by the smell of burning flesh. People ran frantically down the street to away from the deadra. Green wisps of magic formed around her free hand as she cast a spell. She felt her skin take on a familiar tingling sensation. Korina turned just in time to see another dremora rushing her. She took a deep breath and whirled in place. Her leg connected with the demon’s gut sending it onto its back with a garbled grunt. Not wasting any time she slammed her palm into its face. Korina felt bones give way under her palm and electricity pulsed from her palm, frying the dremora where he lay. It let loose a scream before finally falling still. Korina rolled just as a firebolt from a scamp came at her. She felt the heat radiating off the flaming orb as it singed a few stray hairs on her head. Korina jumped back up as she finished her roll and sent her dagger flying at the scamp. The knife imbedded itself in its shoulder, causing to cry out in pain. She reached into her belt pouch and pulled out a pair of throwing stars. With a flick of her wrist they went flying at the red skinned little devil. One missed but the other made contact with its throat. Moving low and quickly she rushed forward and pulled her dagger and throwing star from the corpse. She looked up to see a town guard plunge his blade into a dremora’s throat. He and a Dunmer with worn armor appeared to be the only other warriors she saw in the street, while everyone else ran like cowards. Another dremora was rushing them with their backs turned, intent on a treacherous kill. [i]Don’t these beasts have any semblance of honor,[/i] Korina scowled and rushed forward. The dremora raised its blade and swung down with a snarl. She blocked the blade with her forearm. It tore through her robe sleeve but the ironflesh spell held fast. She only felt a tiny amount of blood leak down her arm. Shock flashed across the demon’s hellish features. “Sithis take you demon,” Korina whispered as she grabbed the dremora’s wrist and snapped it back. Its blade went spinning, sparks flying as it slid across the cobblestone. It snarled in pain but was quickly cut off as his throat with sliced open by a flash of steel. Korina sheathed her small blade and took on a fighting stance,“ Gaurdsmen, mercenary it would be wise for us to work together if we wish to survive.” She was no coward. Any other of her brethren would look for a way to escape but Koirna felt it right to aid this town; that something bigger than her own life was happening here. What bothered her most was the name Dagon. She had only heard that name once before and it was when she had killed a traitor priest from the Order of Moths. He had sworn Dagon would come with his dying breath. Korina didn’t know what he had meant by that but she had a feeling that hearing that name a second time was no coincidence. [i]“Remember above all else trust your gut for it is often wiser than your head[/i],” her master’s voice rang in her mind. She smiled at his memory,[i]’ Yes….father.’[/i]