"A millennium...? Wow... So you must be really old then!" That was a thousand years, right? Takeshi supposed ghosts didn't exactly age so that didn't seem completely unreasonable, but sheesh, a thousand years. He wouldn't know what to do with a hundred, let alone that long, he'd probably go crazy. There was that vague event again, he had no idea what the creature meant by 'what happened'. Considering the time they had left though it was probably best he didn't ask, they could always find out later anyways. This spirit thing was really something else, not to mention it kept using words that he didn't use. The explanation of metamorphosis shed a little light on the situation, and it made Takeshi feel rather silly for not knowing. "Oh, so like our Oozaru forms! Or even our Super Saiyan forms! Okay, that makes sense. Metamorphosis, huh... Probably won't remember that one." If he did though maybe he could wow Vegeta with his scientific speak. Of course the guy probably had an even bigger, more complicated way of saying the same thing that would put his to shame, but he'd try anyways darn it! "Yeah, we sleep every day for a couple of hours. Why, don't your kind sleep...? I know T'charrl does." He did, right? Or was it more like Viral who just sort of shut down for a while? Oh this was all so confusing, Takeshi had never really learned this much about any other species. It was as confusing as it was interesting, he wanted to know more even if he didn't think he'd understand it all. Getting a bit lost again with how the spirit spoke he smiled, "We won't corrupt him, I already said that didn't I? We're his friends, we'll take care of him as long as he needs it, you've got our word on that." And once he was safe and had his power under control he could go back home to his family and learn to lead just like he wanted. T'charrl had a pretty bright future ahead of him, they were only here to help him along the way. Watching as the spirit began to wane and go back into T'charrl's chest orb the Saiyan was surprised as the scenery reverted back just as suddenly as it had changed. Looking around in bewilderment Takeshi gasped when their friend abruptly collapsed, Shu scrambling to avoid getting smooshed. Looking between his now collapsed brother and friend Takeshi sighed, rubbing at his head exasperatedly. Well, that was over, now what? First going to Shu's side he eased his brother into a sitting position once more, smiling slightly amused. "I think we need to get some food in you, then it's time for a nap," he said, prodding his brother's forehead gently. "Can you fly or did he take too much energy? I can carry you if you need me to." It would be complicated, though. T'charrl was certainly going to need to be moved as well, he was probably completely out of it. Glancing back at their fallen friend Takeshi held up a finger for Shu to wait, going to the Kaesstrian to help him. He'd changed back at least, meaning he wasn't nearly the unsettling bug monster that he was a moment ago. This form was much more tame, he could handle this. Squatting down beside T'charrl he lifted one of his arms up, slinging it over his own shoulders before easing the Kaesstrian up off the ground. Letting him lean against himself Takeshi smiled at Shu, holding his free hand out to his brother. "At least lean against me, I can help you both... Probably."