[quote=Jangel13] The job said to settle the Vulcan threat your job post didn't say anything about reclaiming something" Angelo said ad a matter of factly knowing the job specified to desk with the vulcans not get his house back he even said that as long as the vulcanns speed bothering him he didn't care about the methods "so you need to pay us the 120,000 jewel we got attacked by Vulcan and protected you we did the job you specified [/quote] Gentsia took another jug from his drink seeing that Angelo is quite keen on what he wrote on the job. "Eh, fine, just can't spare a old man some of his money can you guys. But a deal is a deal I suppose, must of been one of those days that I wasn't thinking straight. Though I could always try and and make another hut if I can find a suitable place, and away from those vulcans. Thanks again by the way." Gentsia rummaged back through his room looking for the 120,000J and gave 60,000 each to both. "I rather split the money now then have you two fight over it and destroy the island y'know, eheheh." having his a little sneeze, he continued. "I also overheard that both of you were waiting for your boat to arrive at sunrise. So if you need a place to stay you could use the underground portion below my hut to rest for the work you two did. And if you need anything I'm either drinking or sleeping in the tree hut." He said as he walked back inside his hut. "Nice day so far wouldn't you say? Already accomplished our job and got paid. And now we just got to wait for the boat until sunrise, at least we don't have to worry to much about those angry vulcans. We should just rest up and leave while things are still good, right." Wes said as he asked Angelo.