Nikaido chuckled, she said a lot of things aloud, it was merely a habit. She picked herself off the floor, placing herself back in the chair. Late as can ever be soldier, she thought, we're in so deep that no light can reach us at this point." Nikaido threw her head back and stared at the ceiling, "I need to get back in shape a bit," Katsu said. "I'll be in the training room, okay? If you find yourself with nothing else to do, feel free to join me." Nikaido brought her head back up to see Katsu leaving the room. Training Huh? Nikaido can't remember the last time se actually trained. She didn't think to blow her own horn or anything, it was just that she never had the need or motivation to train. She got plenty of cardio and buildup from beating the crap out of people, so there was no need for a healthy dose of exercise. How hard is it to be a killer that you had to train for it? Nikaido smiled, "Ah hell," she said aloud, "I'm out of shape too, might as well join the guy." Nikaido picked herself up and made her way to the training grounds, it was just down the stairs anyways. Nikaido stared at the stairs like she always did before advancing into the demonic slabs. Just a moment ago she scaled three flights of stairs with such ease, maybe she could do it again, Nikaido smiled with confidence and stepped forward. One, six, ten... So far so good, Nikaido thought, twenty, twenty-eight... Maybe she was safe to let go of the railing now? Of course she instantly regretted that, because when she did release her grip in the safety railing, Nikaido plummeted down the remaining stairs. She bounced, she rolled, and she skidded until she bumped into the door of the training room. With a pain-filled moan Nikaido dragged herself through the door, throwing her crutch in first and then slinking her legs inside last. Looking up she saw Katsu looking at the door, and subsequently her. "Hey Katsu, I think I'll join you on that training, if ya' don't mind."