Tessa hurried out of the castle, that was uncharacteristically empty, not even a lone soldier standing guard. Not one to scoff at her luck she thanked her lucky stars and got out as fast as possible. Judging by the time, it would take them at least a few more hours to realize she had escaped. That was alright with her, she expected to be, at the very least, out of the city by the time her execution was supposed to take place. She took a deep breath of fresh air, once she had left the confines of the castle. And then she almost had a heart attack when a man in armor greeted her. She was not expecting it, and her heart was hammering in her chest. 'H-Hello' she answered, nervous. 'You wouldn't happen to be part of the city guard, would you?' Tessa certainly hoped he wasn't, it would be terrible for her to be thrown into the dungeons again once she had managed to get out.