[i]'H-Hello...You wouldn't happen to be part of the city guard, would you?'[/i] Well that was an odd question to ask a stranger, or was it? Social stuff wasn't really Durus' thing. But feeling an answer was needed he said, "No, truth be told I am trying to leave this city. There is a bad smell in the air, and I'm not talking about the garbage. There is evil here and I want out." It also didn't help that he was utterly lost. With that in mind, Durus looked at the girl again and said, "It looks like you are going to need some help leaving too, these streets aren't safe. I help you stay alive, you help me leave... Deal?" Durus had hoped that she would take it, trying to not sound demanding was hard. Not remembering why he was here in the first place was harder, now he just wanted to leave this city behind him. and get this armor off.