After seeing a panic stricken elf, who was clearly suffering the side effects of drink run out of the inn and shout something about dwarfs fighting, Arent chuckled, he had enough dwarf companions to know that interrupting one of their brawls wasn't a good idea. Approaching the human warrior and elf mage, Arent spoke to them for the first time, trying to conceal his excitement and keep his voice level "Greetings, my name's Arent, yours are?" Up close the Elf's beauty was even more prominent and the warriors haggard appearance made him look an even fiercer for, or worthy ally. Not that the elf didn't look worthy, on the contrary, her firework display earlier had made him even more cautious around her. Deciding it was time to stop being so damn secretive and time to get cracking with the adventure, he lowered his hood and looked them both in the eye, awaiting a reply.