It was warm today, well relatively warm at least. Nina had been camped out relatively all day. She had left early to get some more mechanical pencil lead but on her way home had decided to spend the rest of her day off the charts in the forest. Since she didn't want to hang out on the path, due to the occasional passerby, she had jumped the rails with a backpack full of notebooks, novels and a few 3DS games and her bunny Shu-shu and wandered off into the trees. After deciding she was far enough away she had set up camp, laying out a blanket in a small clearing between three trees and setting out all her goodies. But by now her camp was much less orderly. Notebooks lay open, some with half scribbled thoughts and poetry and others with stories in them, a small pile of manga was stacked off to the side after being finished and candy wrappers lay scattered around. At the present time Nina was propped up against a tree with Shu-shu sitting happily in her lap while the girl busied herself with Animal Crossing. She had headphones on and was humming along to one of her favorite songs, Universe by Maaya Sakamoto. During the parts with piano she would pause her game and try to play the notes on an imaginary piano. She had been trying to learn the song by ear for almost a week now and even then she had only gotten the first few seconds of piano down. Eventually she got bored and got up, holding her rabbit in both arms and dancing around her camp as if she were with a partner, singing a little louder then she would normally dare since her headphones were in and she couldn't hear herself. Notable Music : [hider=Universe by Maaya Sakamoto][youtube]R-gOoo2drVQ[/youtube][/hider]