Hope this is good :) Name: Clara Austin Age: 22 Height and Weight: 5’8” 120lbs Personality: Clara is a bit socially awkward, having grown up focused on her careers in school and later in modeling/acting. She never had much time to interact with other people and make friends. Even if she did, how could she know they weren’t just trying to befriend her because of her fame? She tries to give people the benefit of the doubt, but she can’t help but be cautious. She really does want a friend more than anything, though, so she tries when she feels like she has the opportunity. Clara might make some mistakes, but she’s a good person at heart. History: Clara was a spoiled child. She grew up in a wealthy family with more than she could ever want. Her parents both worked, so they left her with a nanny when she was very young, and as she got older they eventually just let her stay home alone. In most cases, children in situations like this become rebellious or wild. Clara was different. She saw her parents’ busy schedules as an opportunity to learn to fend for herself. She taught herself how to cook and got ahead in school so that she graduated a year early. Clara was a beautiful girl and she knew it. Once she got out of high school, she decided to go into modeling school rather than enter college. She became a huge success, rising in fame and popularity in the modeling industry. Her face appeared on magazines and on TV, which was how her parents found out what she was doing with her life. They were proud of their little girl for becoming a star – but Clara knew they were only happy because she was famous. It wasn’t real affection. With that in mind, she dropped all communication with them when she by the time she was 21. The next year, Clara got a call asking her if she was interested in acting. There was a new movie in production and the director wanted her to play the role of the main character’s best friend. Wanting to get away from her parents, Clara accepted the job. She packed up her things and got on a plane. But then, everything went wrong. Belongings: travel pillow and a bag containing the following: pen, notebook, iPod (ruined by sea water), cell phone (also ruined), two snack bags of Doritos, reusable water bottle, blue fleece sweater, black beanie, sunglasses, and travel hairbrush Fear/Disability: Clara is entomophobic, meaning she is afraid of bugs (namely bees/wasps), and she is prone to anxiety when overly stressed out. Appearance: [img= http://oi62.tinypic.com/30tqjhj.jpg]