Stepping out from his corner of the arena, LeeRoy looked around for a moment and saw a strangely proportioned humanoid. The man took a few steps closer to the center and raised both of his arms upwards, popping his shoulders and elbows in the process. Wordlessly he continued on an odd regiment of strange poses until every single part of his body had popped in one way or the other. After this he just sort of stood there, fiddling with the buttons on the side of his helmet until the faceplate tinted to a reflective silver tone. He preferred to hide his face when he was about to commit some heinous action. Now that he was stretched out and ready to move around, LeeRoy reached over his shoulder and withdrew the Vacuum Lance from its magnetic holster. To his opponent, LeeRoy would look like a largely built man in a suit of armor that had jagged and cruel features. The helmet bore no face, it had no openings to show his expression. It was a cold plate of material between LeeRoy and the world. Now, in reality, the suit was featureless because LeeRoy prefers function over form. And this suit was designed to get the job done, he's not a warrior, he's a scientist. You wouldn't expect a brick mason to care about glass blowing, you would just expect him to make the forge. "You there. Whatever species you are, you are unfortunately in the arena with me. I don't know whether you have the capacity to understand my manner of speech, or even my language. But I assure you, this shall be a negative experience for you." Raising the blade upwards he pointed it in the mole-ish being's general direction. For the second time he spoke to the strange creature. "I am LeeRoy Brightmane, last remaining of the Brightmane line, and an unacclaimed scientific mind. Whether or not you inform me of your name, and or, title is up to you. You make the first move, and we shall begin." With that, LeeRoy pressed the small button on the vacuum lance and air began to be sucked in through the pack on his back. Best to be prepared, one never knows how fast your opponent is in this strange universe.