Name - Whoaeclite or the Holy Monarchy of Whoaeclite (HMW) Modern History: Whoaectlite is a decent sized country. Not the largest but not the smallest. Even though it has a decent size it does not have a decent military. They only have miner robots to guard the cities. But that leads me to my next point, they are a mining empire. With colonies on 3 moons they have lots of minerals. From coal to diamonds they have it. They have a large amount of allies and no enemies at the moment. Sadly that does not make them perfect. They have rebels in the cities. People accuse Yamashita that is is the devil. The last king was murdered by an evil rebel. One of the kings sons is the leader of the rebels and he plans on killing Yamashita. If this happen the son will take control of the country as he is the heir and make it a dictatorship Capital: New Tokyo. New Tokyo is the largest city on the moon. With a population of 16 million. Also known as the City of Dreams Tokyo is a great place to get a job. Location - A small part of the eastern safe zone King - Yamashita Masahiro took the title of kick when he was 10. He got to make decisions when he was 15. Now he is 40 and is regarded as the greatest ruler in the empires history. He is a great diplomat and peace maker. History - This empire ancestors are the Japanese. Founded 45 years by Obito Masahiro this empire is a monarchy. Yamashita is the grandson of Obito. Yamashita father's name was Sombay. Around 20 years ago this empire became an economic powerhouse. They created things that where forgotten over time. They focus on luxury resources so they don't have the most guns. They do however have a large amount of Dye, cotton, and gold. They have colonies on a mining moon near Brahma named Epcare. They have a city named Hirosaki. The Capital is New Tokyo. They have always been a peaceful empire and have never gone to war but they do have unique weapons and troops. If they do get in a war they will use robots, those are what they have the most of. New Tokyo is the largest city on Brahma at the moment. Unique Weapons: Ojg: A giant rideable robot. It can go in zero g's and it can go through space. It is mostly a mining robot but it can attack people. Eyu: They A class mining robot. It has arms with pickaxe hands. It can mine faster then the Ojg and it can fly through space faster then the Ojg. Flag: [url=]Flag of the Country[/url] Export: Giant Robots Import: Pets Religion 75% Christian, 10% Athiest, 10% Islam, 5% Buddhist The Declaration of Obito: All humans who enter this empire have certain rights. They have freedom of religion, They have freedom of speech, They have freedom to live freely, They have the freedom to not join the military, They have the freedom to make as many children they want. The Main Laws: You shall not Steal You shall not Cheat You shall go to school You shall not murder You shall not speed You shall not Destroy You shall not Smoke You shall not do drugs Anthem: Seinaru kunshu no uta Motto: Normal: Watashitachiha, seigi to shinjitsu no tame ni tatakau Japanese: 私たちは、正義と真実のために戦う Latin: Nos, pro iustitia et veritate English: We fight for Justice and Truth Language: Japanease 73% English 17%