Zero floated over to Poe. "I am willing to put our past unpleasantness behind us," he said, "as I believe getting the maglev lines working to be in the best interest of all intelligent beings, but if you want to try and hack me again, know this." He wiggled his laser cutter. "This also works as a surgical laser, and it is difficult to use vocal commands without a larynx." With that, he turned off his audio receptors and, watching behind him should the man try anything, floated away to find someplace where he could make a few programming upgrades before he had to meet the others. ------ He hid in an alley, most of his input and output channels offline to prevent others from interacting with him. He knew he would be alerted to any tampering with his components, and still knew his power level, but that was about it. He then created a secondary and tertiary encrypted backup of all of his input and output logs, encrypting them so that they couldn't be accessed without his code. After that, he started searching for any backdoors into his program. Once he found them, he plugged them the best he could. He couldn't plug several of them, including the one Poe used earlier, but he did manage to set up a program that would loop all input/output channels as long as it was active, essentially the same as a human being in a daze, and log the attempt. It wouldn't keep him from being hacked, but it would make hacking him virtually useless. After that, he reactivated a program from the war designed to look for and stop programs which would harm him or mine data, what they called an anti-virus program, and reactivated his input/output channels. He parsed all of the schematics from the harddrive, and when he was done, went to the store to pick up supplies. When he was done, he went to the H&H Tool Shop. "Hello, Victor." said Zero. "How are you doing?" "Just fine, pardner. You can go in any time you want." Zero "nodded" and went inside.