[quote=Sovi3t] Pepper, broI ask if I can have a small base in the safe zone and a space station?If that's alright with you My nation may make a space city , small for now but if you won't mind at this proposition [/quote] I suppose really small space stations used strictly for science, transportation or things like that would be fine. But they would probably be heavily monitored by the Guardian Fleet, since they have strict rules for space communications, and since other nations would probably oppose any space stations with guns on them, for obvious reasons. Maybe a few more details might help me understand what you want. But as I see it now, I'm not sure. We didn't talk about that before making the RP. One thing I wouldn't mind having is a space-station that is used strictly for diplomacy and not owned by anyone. So like.. a neutral ground that everyone could have a sort of embassy on. If an international space station of sorts meets your reasons for wanting your own, then we should probably just go with that. I have concerns about space being riddled with space stations because suddenly everyone wants one. [quote=Rare] Also, I want my nation to be based on Brazil and other nations in South America, could I do that. [/quote] Sure. Maybe it shouldn't be New Brazil, where everything is Brazilian (since humans from all over the place came to Brahma, not just Brazil), but I wouldn't mind if your nation is loosely Brazilian.