As the group continued to journey forth RIki walked alone, separated from the others. She kicked the dirt trying to think of a way out of the trouble she got herself into. It wasn't even her fault! At least, that's what she thinks. Maybe she should ask to get transferred to a different squad. Or maybe she should just quit, since they clearly didn't want her there even though she had the fastest sword in the region (or so she likes to think). When Arthur joined Decado and they started whispering to each other, Riki suddenly got a sense of nervousness. What were they scheming? Was Arthur going along with Decado's murder threat? No, no that couldn't be... could it? Now wasn't the time to get paranoid, unless that's what they want her to think! Breaking into a light jog Riki joined Kiena and Astiroth, two potential witnesses whom didn't exactly hate her. "Oh, hello. We haven't been properly introduced. My name's RIki" she said putting on her best manners. It was a bit unnatural for her but better than making more enemies. "Say, you two have been in the wolves for a while. Longer than I have. Have you ever had a teammate just... disappear on you? What do you know about that Decado fellow? Like, does he have a penchant for poison, or stabbing? Just curious is all hahaha..."