[b]Location: H1[/b] Maraketh stood at the head of his golem army, which was slowly turning to inert mud now that their mission was finished. He watched the remaining soldiers trembling in his part of the field. Finally, after much deliberation, he pointed to the nearest soldier and beckoned him over. Fearfully the man approached, and even though he stood almost three feet taller than the boy, Maraketh seemed to look down on him. "You do not wish to fight us anymore." He said, a statement of fact rather than a question. As the man nodded, he continued. "I have an offer for you and anybody else who wishes to accept it. I will spare your lives in exchange for two things. First, you must become citizens of my city, and work towards the prosperity of it's people and the collection of knowledge. Second, you must share what knowledge you have from across the seas with my people, so that we may grow stronger in our studies of it. Go and spread this word, and consider. The other's you find here may not be so lenient, or may be more so. Come back to me when you have made your choices."