[b]"I lived on the streets up until my teen years. An incident happened which made me begin to hide my face. I know I'm a good fighter. It's one of the reasons I was accepted into the iron wolves. That and I guess they felt bad because I had no where else to go if they said no. I have been with the iron wolves for three years. I just haven't really been assigned a team on most of my assignments. Talking my way out of death is one thing, but when you have a team the people are less likely to oblige. I have talked my way out of deadly situations before. To be honest, I planned out a conversation to the orcs in case we got captured. Orcs aren't good listeners... Unless you use the word fear. That draws their attention. Orcs love to be feared. I had my speech planned out. I have every speech planned out. As a negotiator, it becomes a habit pretty soon."[/b] "Why didn't you tell Arthur before we headed into battle with them?" Kiena tipped her head slightly, looking up at him with curious green eyes. "He seems like the type to take advice from his men." she shrugged. "Well, whatever the case may be, it doesn't matter now. We're all mostly okay and camp isn't too far from here. We should make it back in one piece." A second voice took Kiena by surprise. She turned around to see that other girl, Riki, approaching them at a brisk trot. She wondered what Riki wanted. She didn't seem like the type of person to start a conversation. In fact, she was almost the opposite. [i]Guess you really can't judge a book by its cover,[/i] Kiena mused. She listened to what the other girl had to say. [b]"Oh, hello. We haven't been properly introduced. My name's RIki. Say, you two have been in the wolves for a while. Longer than I have. Have you ever had a teammate just... disappear on you? What do you know about that Decado fellow? Like, does he have a penchant for poison, or stabbing? Just curious is all hahaha..."[/b] Kiena could tell Riki wasn't used to casual introductions like this, but what was with the random questions about missing teammates? Unless... She shot a glance at Decado and Arthur and then rolled her eyes. Did he seriously just threaten the girl for her foolhardy behavior earlier? Honestly! She offered Riki a reassuring smile. "If you think that guy" - she gestured towards Decado - "is going to kill you, don't worry about it," Kiena said. "He talks tough, but there's no way he could get away with it, even if he was serious. I would try to avoid getting on his bad side, though, if I were you. We are a team after all, so we might as well try to get along." She was of course subtly referring to Riki's earlier attempt at soloing an orc. Even if she was skilled, Kiena wasn't convinced the girl could have done it on her own. She would have to learn how to work together with her squad if she wanted to live much longer with the Wolves. At least she seemed to be trying to make friends now. That was a good start. "So, you're new, right? What brings you to the Iron Wolves, Riki?"