Vestiago mostly ignored the bells. He was a sound sleeper. But of course, he was always awake when he needed to be. His monster reflexes usually allowed him to dodge or anticipate most things. Vestiago then awoke after the bells penetrated his dreams. He yawned like a bear awakening from hibernation. He slowly got up from his bed and dressed. He didn't have much to do in order to be ready. He shook the remainder of the sleep from his body. He stretched his body until bones cracked with a painful satisfaction. His muscles ready as he noticed his stomach rumbled. "Time to eat." He muttered to himself as he opened his door and turned towards the stairs. Then something small hit his stomach. It smelled nice and girly. A childish allure to the senses as Vestiago looked down. He watched as the young girl picked herself up from the encounter. "No worries! I am glad to see you awake!" He said with a laugh and smile. His joy rose up and filled him again. A fine spirit he held this morning. He now remembered the importance of this morning. Then his ears picked up conversation from below. He took his time to make it to the dining hall. His friends were already up and about with a morning drink. But only a snack was picked up by the others. Vestiago was glad to see Hawk. "Hawk. My friend! Good to see you this morning. We shall have time to converse after a hot morning meal!" Vestiago then lumbered his mass over to the food stored away. He took a handful of meats and a mixture of vegetables. The kitchen that Vestiago went to explore was well made. It was more than sufficient to cook a large meal. He quickly found his tools for his skills as a chef. Vestiago set himself to creating a spicy smoked stir fry. It was a special dish he had learned while in the eastern countries. The small men there sure knew how to use spices and herbs. The house soon became filled with the spicy scent of the food. The heat and steam warmed up Vestiago. He was only at home in two elements, a kitchen and the ring.