[b]Chie[/b] Chie glared at the late arrivals. Geez, what idiots, taking so long to get here... what was there problem? Were they slow or something? They had to be if they took this long to get there. She hadn't been running or anything and yet she still beat them, and even finished her juice box before they got here! Sheesh, they were as slow as Osaka from that one really old manga. Azumanga Daioh. It was pretty fun, and Osaka was hilarious, but she was slow. Was she in a class full of Osaka's? Well, no, there was the speedy one who ran in... Ichigo. She got high marks on marksmanship or something. "Jeez, I hope you're not all going to be slow idiots during training, too," she said with a shrug. Sumiko frowned, but simply continued with the start of the lesson. "Now, I'm sure you know the drill. Everyone suit up, and get ready to dance!" she declared, cheerfully, "And by dance I mean pilot gigantic mecha. I'll be back to give you the rundown on the training exercise when you're all suited up!" With that, Sumiko turned and headed off towards the MF storage bay... Chie sighed, and headed for the changing rooms. Now she had to change in a room full of... some of the idiots. ---- [b]Ichigo[/b] Ichigo sprinted to the woman's changing room without hesitation. Inside was clean and brightly lit, with numerous navy blue, slightly curved-outwards lockers lining the walls. Each one had a digital projection of the owner's name, both in English and Kanji(katakana, in the case of names which it suited better). Without the slightest hesitation, she tore off her clothing and tossed it aside. Pilot suits were skintight(they required full body contact for certain functions), but thick enough that the wearer's decency was preserved even though all clothing had to be removed in order to wear them. Ichigo cheerfully pulled open her locker and rummaged through it. ---- [b]Chie[/b] Behind Ichigo, Chie watched. How did the pink-haired girl always manage to leave her locker disorganized enough to rummage through it even though the only thing inside was her pilot suit? What an idiot. ---- There was a knock on Ai's cockpit. "Minamoto-saaan," called Sumiko's voice, from outside, "It's almost time for training. I know you're in there..."