Name – Tri-Star Mining Type – Mining Company Leader - Joseph Williamson the Forth History – Tri-Star Mining, a company that was created by a man’s dream Tri-Star Mining began over 70 Years ago, by a man named Tony Greenwood. The Company was a small time mining company that was responsible for supplying the Civilian, and the growing Military Sector. In the early days it fought for contracts, small land deeds, transport ships and even workers. The early days were often hard for the company, having to apply for a bail out twice, not being granted one before the re-application accepted. Tony Greenwood later sold the company to the Williamson family, in the wake of Humanity’s collapse. During Humanity Collapse, TSM began to grow has a company. With refugee’s needing shelter and somewhere to stay, TSM offered them it. In exchange, for working with the company and helping out with the mines, during this phase however, TSM started to kick off. TSM began with mining asteroids, various gems and minerals were found during this time, which kick-started there funding into various departments. Things like new Space Ship design, faster ways to mine and safety equipment for miners going deep into the zones was top on the radar. During this time, the Defense Branch of TSM opened up, welcoming new members to the cooperation. Tri-Star Mining, under Joseph Williamson the Forth is still going strong. With the moon of Brahma ripe for the taking, various projects in the upper regions have begun. Troops and Miners have been deployed and are awaiting more and more troops from the various nations. Scouts and Scientists are studying the rocks around the planet, and hoping to gain more knowledge on the moon and the planets around it. The HQ of TSM is called “The Floating HQ” by various employee’s is above the Moon. The Hub is a small space station that deals with worker rights, unions, and is where employee’s line up for their assignments, to get there pay via a credit chip (If they want it immediately) , or either they get it via Direct Deposit via one of the major banking agencies or wait to go back down to the moon. The R and D department is also located here, and the defence branch. Plus, refuelling stations and where vacant transports awaiting assignments are also here. A temporarily hotel is nearby as well for miners to stay. TSM, when humanity is done is entering a golden age, ironic some may call it, but some may call TSM a shining light upon Humanity.