[Center][img]http://i.imgur.com/weQcz7P.png[/img][/center] Seeing Lesley get thrown and stabbed made Ace jump to help. But with her left arm hanging at her side, she couldn't really provide support. And then she saw it. Something that made her go cold for a brief moment. [I]'Lesley's hand is gone... Lesley's hand. It's gone. [/I] Even if they didn't talk much, and even if she wasn't sure of Lesley's gender [yeah, she missed the memo when Leon told her], Lesley was still a Lost Soul. And a Lost Soul was a companion- at least until they got out of Nowhere. They were in this together and that's how they would stand. And with a friend injured that badly, the witch had to go. Her life shortened even more with how much she hurt her friends. "No more of us should get hurt... No more should have to take this..." Ace didn't understand why she cared so much when complete strangers got hurt in front of her. She had seen many people die before and it never phased her, but for some reason, this was different. A lot different. And she didn't appreciate them getting attacked. With the little energy she regained, her sword sparked to life. Ace started walking toward the witch with broken and all her various injuries. She realized something must have cut her...or she missed an injury- because there was a bloodstain on the back of her leg. But just as she was about to rampage towards the witch, the old hag started to die. It didn't stop her though, what did stop her was the fact that once again her flame died. Ace wasn't going to gain anything if she kept trying to summon her sword. With a sigh, she turned back to her comrades and then sat down on the ground. She looked at everyone's battered forms and watched as Riley tried to keep everyone's spirits up. With a small laugh, she thrusted her fist into the air and yelled out triumphantly so that it echoed through their ears. "We defeated the witch! Once again, we've gotten through another challenge!" Ace grinned, even with the lack of energy, she managed to beam. "Even with the injuries," Ace paused and looked over at Lesley's missing hand. "We still won. And we will keep on beating the odds." She smiled again, but then winced when she moved her broken arm. She had landed pretty hard on it.. "Ice queen is right... we still need to get Fluff." Something was passed around, a feather of some kind. Whatever it was, it worked the same way Jasper's healing magic worked. When it was her turn to take it, she brushed it over her broken arm. And like magic, it was all healed- it was still pretty sore along with some of her other injuries, but it got the job done which was all that mattered. Inadi mentioned something about the more injured stay in the center of the group and Ace scoffed. She hopped up on one leg to avoid hurting herself more and then walked forward. "I shall not be put in the middle." She stuck her tongue out at Inadi and smirked. "I can handle my own. Nothing will get the upper hand against me." She skipped forward to be ahead of the group as usual. "If we gotta go, then let's head out." She said, taking her place, leading the group like she normally did. The feather should've done them good, so she didn't bother to ask if they were okay. Once more, the group was moving through the spooky nightmare-ish forest. "Here Fluffy, Fluffy. It's a bunch of humans trying to get you back to your family. Not a bunch of nasty old witches... Marcooo?" Ace called out. She didn't hear any 'Polos' or amy response to her calls for that matter, but she continued calling for the cloud dragon. Well, she continued until she got bored of calling the little dragon. "We should have really cool theme music. You know, since we've defeated the witch. We're practically unstoppable right now."