Name: Pandora (Panda) Kyte Age: 18 Height and Weigh: 5'1 115lbs Personality: Panda is a quiet nature lover. Raised in the believe of Paganism, she can be classified as a "witch". As a naturalist, she knows many remedies and has many survival skills and plant knowledge. She is also extremely spiritual and crafty. Pandora can be a bit sensitive when it comes to killing things and always remembers to offer her thanks to nature. When it comes to interacting with other people, she has her limits. She is the quiet observing type and is not one to easily trust. Once she builds bonds though, they are as strong as they get. History: Born and raised in Wales, Pandora was raised in a very close nit family like community. All of her family were strong in their beliefs and practices in witchcraft and lived off of the land and their own farms, barely going into towns for supplies. She was homeschooled and growing up in such a small community, she is a bit culturally deprived. Panda's mother was a tailor and her father was a sheep herder. She lived in a small hut with two other brothers and another sister. Pandora was suppose to take the place as the town herbalists and was studying with the elder before the raid. Panda and her family were forced out of her home when the rebels came in and took the town over. They had no where else to go but to the states, where they had distant friends that were exploring. The plan was to pack up their closest belongings and move out to the states to start over new. Due to their lack of money, the family was split up in between flights. They had to board separate planes and had planned to meet up at the landing place. Pandora boarded on the plane with her father, and watched him die before her eyes ad the plane crashed. She also had her cat, Dye, which was in the luggage compartment. It is unknown if he is still alive. Belongings: She had a fur knapsack that held a notebook, a green candle, and a canteen. Around her neck, she wears a whistle. She brought her cat, [hider=Dye][img=][/hider] but it is unknown where he is. Fear: Panda does not have a phobia to it, but she has a great deal of respect for fire. She understands that it is crucial to life but it is unpredictable and the most destructive thing of nature. She is fine around camp fires but anything more than that is bound to send her into a panic. Relative to this fear, she has a great fear of storms. Specifically lightning. [hider=Pandora Kyte][img=][/hider]