[Center][B]-Appearance-[/B] [URL=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131001134249/disgaea/en/images/4/44/DD2_Laharl.png]Overlord Laharl[/URL] [B]-Name-[/B] Laharl Krichevskoy [B]-Gender-[/B] Male [B]-Age-[/B] 1316 [B]-From-[/B] The Disgaea Series [B]-Personality-[/B] Incredibly arrogant, snarky, acts evil but is not immoral. Has a strong dislike of optimistic sayings and is wary of sexy women. (Sexy by his own standards, anyhow.) [B]-Reason For Going-[/B] To get more screen time. [B]-Bio-[/B] Overlord of the Netherworld and one of the stronger demons in existence, Laharl has been overshadowed by new main characters in the games of his series since the second title, though it has never stopped him from trying to kill them to steal the role back, or at least combat them for more screen time. Tired of being defeated by players that grind too much and getting forced back into the back seat, Laharl decided to go and find his own action instead, where he'd have plenty of screen time and perhaps be the main character again. By the time he is ready to go back to the Netherworld, he might even have found a few powerful vassals to join his ranks... [B]-Other-[/B] His scarf is actually a part of his body, being able to shift into a pair of wings, and also sheathe his weapons. As well as hold other items of interest.[/Center] --- SURPRISE SALMON. YOU CAN NEVER TRULY ESCAPE FROM ME.