[quote=Silver] Lysander jumped at the sound of a voice addressing him. He had been lost in thought considering his next move; it was unlikely that he could stay in the city, for the assassins would soon learn of his whereabouts. He could try fleeing to one of the outlying provinces, but security at the gates of the city was tight due to past encounters with the Plague. As he pondered, he was interrupted.He looked up sharply and saw a small girl with a white owl perched on her shoulder. She seemed friendly enough, but Lysander found it odd to be approached by a stranger in what appeared to be a rather belligerent guild. After all, the girl did not strike him as the fighting type. He answered warily."I, ah, yes. I'm fine, thanks." He noticed a clear note of paranoia in his voice, but hoped it did not reach the girl. His hand tightened around the hilt of his sheathed katana. [/quote] Vesper's yellow eyes noticed he tightened his grip on the hilt of his katana, and she took a step back gently. She watched his hand for a moment before returning her gaze to his face. [b][i]"Are you sure? I'm kind of new but I know the way to the Head-Quarters if you need help finding it?"[/b][/i] she suggested. She wasn't sure if he was new too, but figured since he seemed a little off, maybe he was and was simply nervous. She knew she would want to be helped in the same type of situation, although sometimes she could be fairly naive. [i][b]"Uhm, my name is Athena Cadence Vesper Thannel, by the way.."[/b][/i] She hoped he would lighten up a little after learning something about her. Once she was finished speaking, she peered around, taking in details easily with quick glances. There were still two men sparring in the ring a ways away, and the spectators were still being loud with excitement. Despite the noise from guild members around the grounds, Vesper turned her head towards one of the walls that stood fairly far behind her to her left, which attached to the main gate just as Nyx made a high pitched screech, warning Vesper of danger. Her eyes narrowed and everything switched into slow motion, her eyes taking in everything at once, allowing her to calculate her movements easily. A cloaked male was moving towards her and Lysander quickly, and in one smooth motion she shifted her right shoulder and arm out horizontally. Nyx spread her wings open fully, her wingspan reaching just over 5 feet, and moved up into the air above Vesper before swooping down towards the cloaked man, her talons digging through the mans cloak and into his shoulder, tearing some of the skin away to reveal bone and blood. The man doubled over momentarily before picking himself back up and continuing forward towards them. Vesper quickly moved towards him likewise, her talon tipped fingers reaching down for her blades, unsheathing them from her thighs. The man was nearly a foot and a half away from her as she kicked her right leg out, bringing it in a crescent moon out in front of her, her bare heel connecting with his jaw, an audible crack sounding around her. Her green hair whipped around her shoulders as she moved, watching the man begin to fall. His head lolled back and to the side slightly as he fell, allowing Vesper to take her blades, placing them in an X shape across his neck, nearly decapitating him before he hit the ground beneath his dark cloak. Vesper peered at him a moment before turning back to Lysander, wiping her blades on the grass and sheathing them as Nyx landed back on her shoulder.