Gorrim listened to his brother talk while they drank, he could clearly feel his inebriation taking hold once again. He would fight better on a full stomach filled with mead and food, he fell into a deep thought about the food back home. The smoked and salted bacon and the jerky along with the best goat milk cheese. He started to drool lightly but was torn from his day dream by the loud thud of Yor's hammer and Yor hitting the floor. Gorrim watched Yor charge at a table decimating it without trying, [i] [b] "oi Yor that not be an enemy save that temper of yers for the giants. Also for what ever bloody thing we be fighting"[/b] [/i]. Gorrim heard the elf come back out and say [i] [b]"What are you dwarves doing".[/b] [/i] [i][b] "Nuttin me brudder has a terrible tember and takes it out on anyting around".[/b] [/i] He watched as the elf took a seat in a chair and then listened as he yelled [i] [b]"If you guys want, I can help one of you!"[/b] [/i] [i] [b] "Oi laddie if you be threatening me brudder and me you will have a whole world of hert will be brought upon ye". [/b] [/i] Gorrim watched the drunken elf run out the door and heard him yelling that Yor and him be fighting. He walked to the door booted it off the hinges He had enough of this drunken elf. He watched his other companions walk up and saw the drunk elf playing in the water. Gorrim watched as the elf came running back up toward the tavern, Gorrim clenched his fist at his side his veins bulged on the back of his hand. Gorrim waited for the elf to come close to him as the elf passed he threw a quick sucker punch that would land right in the unsuspecting elf's gut if it struck it would nock the drunk elf on his ass and make him weeze.