Welcome to the world. This Nation-Roleplay will be GM-Moderated by myself using a tileset to create a world map to better illustrate the world the players create and manipulate. You can pick any typical fantasy race you desire to explore this new world, claim what you will, work with others or against them. It is the beginning of the Ages and all the races are in their earliest years of development, the time is right for the more motivated of them to forge their own destiny. [b]Settlement Sheet:[/b] [i]Name: Race: Population: Color: (Represents Borders etc.) Symbol/Flag: (Optional) Starting Tile: (This is the type of environment your starting town will be on.) Biography/FunFacts: (Optional)[/i] [b]Tileset for Reference:[/b] [img]http://i.cubeupload.com/h0wNRF.png[/img] [url=http://i.cubeupload.com/0RQxuT.png]Click to Enlarge[/url] [i](Farms are considered Villages as well, the first and smallest settlement you can establish after your initial starting town. They produce agricultural products.) (The world is randomly generated but biomes will remain consistent. So if you settle a desert town, it's likely desert tiles will surround you in all directions for at least some distance.)[/i] [i](These are just the initial tiles. More will be added and more can be made. For example, a player may establish a Fort or a Mining Outpost or Trading Post etc. to a tile and I can easily illustrate that.)[/i] [b]Basic Rules:[/b] * Use The Declare/Post/Turn System described below. * Do not automatically decide the outcomes of your actions or battles. This is decided by GM via dice rolls, number generators etc. * Do not control other players holdings without their permission. [b]Declare/Turn/Post System:[/b] In order to play and post this is the basic format for things to take place in. [b]Declare[/b] Post "Declare" in the OCC thread. This informs everyone that you are writing up your post. (Mid-High Casual to Low Advanced) [b]Post[/b] Write your post in IC and submit it. This is where you describe actions. Use reason in describing what you can and can't do. You can use a variety of different formats for your post. Detailed bullet points describing what your settlement does for example or In-Character roleplaying to give your actions a story. This can be debated a bit before we start to clear up confusion. [b]Turn[/b] Once you have posted you may not post again until the next turn. Once all or a majority of players have posted the GM will declare, write his post and submit it. It will explain what your actions have caused, world events and have an updated world map. [b]Repeat[/b]