"Thanks for the assist." Rinn nodded to the hooded figure who'd blocked the dremora blade with her arm as he pushed the daedra off his blade. Crowds of screaming villagers began rushing in all directions, some with demons in tow, and the entire coty became a war zone with fires sprouting up every other building. Amidst the chaos, several apparently combat-savy individuals appeared to make a stand, not succumbing to the fear and panic that was erupting in the streets and looking to him for leadership and information. It was not something he expected, but he'd been training his whole life for just such an emergency. He only wished he'd been more prepared for the horror of it all. "We need to clear this rabble from the street and get the people somewhere safe!" He shouted over the sounds of battle, hoping that they would heed his orders though they were certainly not guardsmen. It was practically the first rule of engagement when being caught in a surprise attack: form a defensible position. But the guard post was too small to house so many people and the castle was on the other side of the city. Where else could they hold out? "The chapel! On the other side of the market, we can barricade the side doors and make a kill point on the top of the steps!" "Then we find out where in oblivion they're coming from..." He took no more than a few steps when a group of daedra suddenly came around the corner to block their path: three snarling scamps, a hulking frost atronach, and another armored dremora who appeared to be the leader, barking orders as they cut down any citizen caught before them. "First, we have to get through them..." Left hand bursting with flames, Rinn charged forward and launched a firebolt straight into the icy chest of the atronach.