Korina merely nodded. She felt her mana reserves starting to become stressed. With a deep breath she calmed her mind and dug deep within her soul. There she felt a well of power, her race’s birthright. She tapped into that vast well that dwelled inside her and felt instantly invigorated. Her right hand pulsed with electricity as she readied a spell. A scamp rushed past the guard as he flung a fire bolt at the frost atronach. In a flash lightning coursed along Korina’s flesh. She gave the mercenary beside her a curt nod before rushing forward. The scamp launched a torrent of flames from its knurled hand. Korina acted quickly and swerved to the right just as the flames flew past her. It forsook its flames to claw at her as she passed. She dodged the first swipe of its claws and gripped its wrist when it made a second sweep. It let loose a scream of pain as electricity coursed through it body at her touch. Korina pulled an arm back, focused a pin point of mana at her finger tips and plunged her hand into its chest. Its face became that of a silent scream as it felt her hand break through its back. With a grunt Korina pulled her hand out, black ichor dripping from her fingers. Koirna whirled around in time to see a firebolt surging through the air toward her. With no time to dodge, she instead raised her arms guarding her face. She felt her arms erupt in pain as the fire collided with her. She hissed in pain as she frantically put out the flames that threatened to spread along her arms.