Much fun as it was Takeshi was just slightly annoyed he couldn't catch Shu. Not more than a week ago and he hadn't been able to fly, and now he was evading his older brother. It had to be how he moved around, that was it. People normally flew in a pretty predictable way, and they weren't bouncing and swaying about. The way Shu flew his brother would have sworn he was drunk, he was all over the place. It proved to be pretty effective for evading someone, surprisingly enough. "I am going to catch you darn it, just... Hold still!" he shouted back, lunging again. Missing by a wide margin Takeshi flailed his arms a bit as he shot through the air, catching himself comically upside down. Watching Shu float about aimlessly he had to smile, it was nice seeing his brother having so much fun. Bothersome he couldn't keep up, but nice. Righting himself he crossed his legs, floating like that in mid air as he kept an eye on his brother. "You are fast, but there's a lot you don't know how to do still!" he said, smirking as he crossed his arms over his chest. "If you come here I'll show you another technique!" Or he'd more than likely grab the little guy, thus winning in his mind. Heh, Shu would totally fall for it too. Unfortunately Viral wasn't alone with his sentiments, Vegeta was kind of lost as well. Ikura had explained to the best of his ability how the powers that the Beastman had worked and still it puzzled him. For his friend's sake though he had to try, if nothing else he had to give it some effort. Since the brothers were busy using the training hall as their playroom the pair had taken to the mess hall for their own practice. Tables and chairs were stacked up against the walls to make room, giving them a sizable space to work with. "If Ikura said your powers are like Ki then we only have to figure out how you can find them... Which means some really basic, boring training," Vegeta said, smiling slightly. "It's going to be things similar to what Shu had to do, most likely. Meditation, business like that. I know it's not very exciting, but we have to find these powers before you can even use them." Obvious statements aside they should really figure out what form to seek out first. Viral had taken on two thus far, his dragon form and the feline form. Now, the former he used more often to Vegeta's knowledge, but that didn't necessarily make it easier to draw out. "When you're in either of your forms, you've got to be conscious of it to some degree, right? Would you be able to recognize the sensations that come while being in one?"