@Waifu- I intended on asking about the whole age thing, it's nice to see that I didn't need to. --- Of course, I'm not silly enough to think that the first usage of the stat system in the thread would be done correctly~! Regarding Power, I assumed that was relative to the POW stat, but I can specify it if necessary. Range will always be assumed to be contact unless specifically stated otherwise, in which case it will be one foot or a half-foot (assuming you mean "Effect Range" rather than "Activation Range".) Where did I state that I could control other people's characters? I put those limitations into text specifically because I do not expect any of the player characters to fulfill those requirements. if they do, I will make a special exception and speak with that person regarding their vulnerability. [quote]-Does not work through recordings or speakers. -When used through mediums besides spoken song, commands are limited to basic directions and "Follow me".[/quote] This is not a contradiction. The second point is saying that if she hums or plays a trombone to transmit her commands, she can only provide directions, rather than giving full orders. Finally, her ability's effectiveness has nothing to do with the victim's ability to resist, or their willpower. It has to do with the structure of their mind, which is why only the simplistic minds of children or animals are usually affected. Even an extremely intelligent or wilful child would still be equally affected, because of how their brain works.