[quote=TheLonePup] So... been playing New Vegas the last couple days...And I wanna know how the fuck Bethesda gets away with EVERY one of their games being so full of bugs, glitches and points where it just completely dies. I have at LEAST 30hrs on this save... But the game is only going to register 24 If I'm lucky and that save doesn't cause me to crash trying to leave the bunker... If I'm UNlucky it'll be registering 14 hours and I'm gonna end up dropping from level 17 clear down to 13, since the last manual save I did was inside the BoS bunker which I can't seem to fucking leave because the game crashes every time I try... I was gonna try to make a joke about trying to get this RP to seem "More legit" by having it crash every few hours but I'm too pissed off to be funny... [/quote] You must be angry all the time then! :gray [quote=Eviledd1984] Weird how that only happens on the PC version and not the Console i get the same problem btw.I think they only do some of the game breaking bugs but not the ones that freezes or yes crashes the game me personally i think it is lazy programming trying to not fix something that could drive people away form the game.The console version the one i also have has almost no crashing and freezing when i was playing for like 3 hours or so.But their is always mods and stuff to fix the bugs and crashes which i have and the games works pretty well. [/quote] I played the console version a fair bit before I got a semi-decent PC up and running and, looking back, I think you might be right. I was going to disagree with you and say the console version was a pile of ass but in hindsight, I can only really recall a handful of freezes or game-breaking clipping; still more than I'd like mind you but not as much as I first thought.