A bolt of fire streaked towards Sibylla's chest as she pushed her way out of the crowd. It would have hit her if not for her quick reactions. With a silent prayer she raised her palms in front of her and focused her magicka. A shimmering ward coalesced in the air ahead of her blocking the fireball and absorbing it's energy. The heat scorched her palms but the spell had protected her from the full force of the bolt. She ducked into a doorway before the scamp decided to take another shot. She lent out to survey the battle that was now raging with the daedra that were charging down the street. While it looked like the guardsman and his allies had the upper hand, it could not be too long until more daedra arrived to join the fight. And when they did they would surely overwhelm the defenders. If she or any of the civilians now fleeing into the market square were to survive they would have to follow the guardsman's orders sooner rather than later. After a brief moment to catch her breath she rose back to her feet and followed the guardsman who was now charging the frost atronach. She focused her attention on him as she wove her hands, producing a ward between him and the atronach. It would not last for long under it's attacks but it would hopefully be enough to sway the fight in the guardsman's favor. To either side of her the daedra were gaining ground. The robed Altmer was struggling to put out the flames that had engulfed her arms while the mercenary figure had been disarmed by the dremora he was now locked in combat with. She shouted after the guardsman: [i]"We need to get back to the chapel! You can't hold them off much longer."[/i]