Tessa was once again startled as another man, a shapeshifter by the look of him, jumped between herself and the armored man. [i]"Be careful, he is dangerous!"[/i] he said a he stood his ground before the man with weapons at the ready. She forced her breathing to calm again and she hurried to the shapeshifter, laying a hand on his arm in a conciliatory gesture. 'Wait, please, he was going to help me get out of the city' She said with great urgency, hoping the little altercation didn't bring any undue attention to them, she really didn't want to go back to the holding cells. 'I can't.... I can't stay here, else it will be too dangerous for me' She didn't know either of the men, but one seemed kind enough to offer her help out and the other apparently felt some obligation to protect her. She hoped they could both accompany her, she would feel much safer if she was not alone.