Skull sat in one of the corners of their new hide-out... It didn't had much, just some rocks... a metrocart... and those others who survived... He glanced at the darkness... Thinking about what else he could have done to safe more... And yet... somewhere he didn't care about them! Somehow the urge to take down these two others was urging to come to the outside... Taking their lives and spilling their blood on the ground... but even the droids would kill Skull if he didn't worked together with these... these... humans... Their entire squad was destroyed, just with mere seconds... They were surrounded before they even knew it... And all he thought about was to get the hell out of there, before they even got him... Skull glanced at the other two, before standing up... Someone had to pull them all together... But he wasn't the person... Perhaps none of them were... And they would fall apart eventually... Skull walked towards the darkness, where he grabbed his scythe from his back and threw it into the wall... He didn't fell like practicing with his weapon... Instead he practiced his combat styles... to calm himself down before he truelly went on a rampage... After a while, he noticed something in the distance... A small glimps of light? Droids?! No... the glimps was to small... Skull walked towards it, and as he got closer, he noticed something strange... Three vessels... Strange and ancient vessels were carved within the walls... Only a bit of their armor stucked out... Almost like they were left here, abbandoned... Just like Skull was at birth... Skull turned around, thought about walking back to the group, but instead he turned back around and glanced at the ancient vessels... What would be so special about them that they caught his attention this much?!