Lirael watched as the rest of her missplaced class arrived almost all at one, they had temporary memory dismissal or something, it was almost impossible to think that the mecha's would be held in any other room than this massive warehouse like room. She watched as some of the keen students already marched towards the changing rooms something that held a little nervousness in the girls heart, she sighed and moved into the room feeling nervousness bloom as she moves closer. she entere the room, although every time she stepped in her mind was blown by the beauty of the room and technology, it overwhelms her. She moved to her locker and began to slowly remove her outter clothing and now stood in her underwear with her locker door open. Pulling her pilot gear out of the locker she pulled off the redt of her clothing and as quickly as possible pulled on her gear. "Ow ow" her foot smashed hard against the door and she swore many times while finally pulling on her last boot. Shyly Lirael continued to look through her locker.