Ayaka immediately moved into the changing rooms upon dismissal to do so. Entering, her eyes scanned around until they rested on her locker and she walked up, opening it immediately. Contained inside was her pilot suit and, taped to the wall of the locker facing the opening, was a picture of her class back home. She grinned at the sight of the picture and, with a deep breath to calm herself, she began to strip. It was easy to removed and stow her clothes, but she blushed deep red as her underwear followed suit. She pulled the pilot's suit on slowly, as her mother said was necessary. She made sure to keep her motion fluid and calm as she did so, and soon she was clothed in the suit. Looking over the suit, she couldn't help a slight smile as she glanced at the pure white suit that enabled her to interface with her MF. She then casually stretched and assumed a neutral expression, preparing herself for battle. After a moment, a trademark confidence bubbled up and a grin appeared again. She was a UEG pilot, or at least, she would be one day. That said, she couldn't lose to anyone, not the cocky little girl, not the superior-sounding "Overlord", not anyone. After all, since she'd assumed a frost disposition with everyone else, all she had at this school was her pride.