He'd never slept in such a fancy bed before, Sabin decided. He was used to the crowded barracks of the NCR, not a personal hotel room. It felt weird, actually, sleeping in a room absent of the bustle of other NCR soldiers, and Sabin found it rather unsettling. Even with the heavenly bed he laid staring up at the ceiling most of the night, unable to sleep. At least it was free, and at least he would only be there for one night. Not until the wee hours of the morning did Sabin manage to fall asleep. Sabin woke with a jolt, feeling a cold, metal object prod into him. He stiffened, expecting to see the barrel of a gun pressed up against him, but sighed when he realized it was only one of House's Securitrons come to wake him in the early morning. He'd only gotten a couple hours of sleep, and he was exhausted. "Jus' a few more minutes, alrigh'? I'll be up in a sec'..." Sabin said groggily, closing his eyes again. Before he knew it the world had flipped and he was lying face down on the floor, the mattress on top of him. The damned robot had flipped him over! Groaning, Sabin pushed the mattress off his body and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, wondering if he'd get in trouble for shooting the robot. Oh well, he'd of slept well past noon if the robot had let him, and with that Sabin put on his coat on that wasn't burned and his pants on that weren't soiled. Tying up his boots, Sabin exited the room. Sabin didn't necessarily need to pick anything up before the meeting, as the NCR had supplied him with most that he needed. The NCR did give him a good amount of caps for personal needs, and he reckoned a nice bottle of scotch was a personal need. The casinos in Vegas were known for their ridiculously overblown prices, so Sabin made his way over to the Atomic Wrangler in Freeside and grabbed himself a warm bottle of scotch and a bottle of nuka-cola. Wrapping them up in the burned uniform that he hadn't taken the time to patch up yet, he stored the two bottles in his backpack and went on his way. One of these nights, he'd treat himself with those things. That'd be nice. Approaching the H&H Tools building, Sabin was greeted by the securitron too. Deciding not to listen to its blabber, he walked straight past it and into the building. He didn't have much of a liking for those suckers ever since the one had flipped his mattress this morning, and he'd never trusted any of those contraptions in the first place. Making his way in, Sabin would settle against a wall and await the rest of the arrivals, very much hoping that the goggled wastelander from yesterday would fail to show up.