Aiden stood still as the knives touched his neck. "It's just me," he said, sighing. His calm look disappeared when he heard the word 'mecha' and was replaced with an excited and enthusiastic grin. "Wow, really!?" He coughed to make his presence more clear and took a deep breath. "You do realize who I am, right?" he asked proudly. "If anyone knows robotics, it's me. Just lemme jump into one of them and see if I can do anything with it. Maybe I could operate it." He paused for a moment. "Of course, if you don't want to see what they can do, be my guest and leave." He walked over to the inactive robots, inspecting them. He spotted one with a gun attached to its arm. "Ooh!" He crawled over to it, standing on it. "Come and help me with this!" He was smiling like a child with his toys at christmas. He had several designs like these ones, but his mechas were pretty useless, their armors pretty much easily breachable. He had always failed to actually construct the thing, although he had the perfect fighting machines on paper. He was excited to see that someone had built something so similar to what he had always imagined. "Quickly," he snapped, sounding scarier than his looks would suggest.