19. Damien started off towards Tenebra with Ember beside him every step of the way. He opted to hike the distance instead of sailing. He hiked over hills, trudged through rivers, and forests. He stopped and rested in almost every town along the way. He met many colorful personalities, maybe some that would help later on, on his new quest.Finally after a few weeks of trekking, Damien finally found himself outside the city of Tenebra. "Cool place, though it might need a little more light." Damien mumbled to himself. He made his way through the city, looking at all the demons that inhabitated it. He never really saw any demons in real life, only in books and scrolls. After about half-an-hour of walking, and possibly asking for directions once. . . or twice, he finally found the entrance to the school; or what would have been the entrance if the gates were closed. Inside, he saw seven figures. A short, pale-skinned elf, a human noble, The Jade Fist, a Nymph, and another human. . . that didn't seem like one? He also saw, some kind of black sludge monster, and another female figure standing in front of it. Damien slowly and cautiously made his way forward. He didn't know who these people were, and if they were the other sages, then I had a lot of power, but he wanted to be on the safe side. Ember mimicked Damien's attitude, but didn't growl towards anyone yet. "Hello everyone," Damien said as he got closer. Sorry for keeping you all waiting, I decided to hike this trip." Once Summer had finished her conversation with the Jade Fist, [i]I think I'll just call him Jade,[/i] she thought, she started towards Ostel, that is, until a new arrival spoke. She turned her head to the gate entrance and stopped in her tracks the moment she saw him. He looked like another human, but that couldn't be possible right? He didn't seem like a normal human in the sense that Ostel did. Infact he seemed... almost animalistic in some ways. "Um... hello," she said in a small voice, a blush spreading across her cheeks. The small Elf, was the first to speak to him. By how she sounded, and the way she held herself, Damien could only guess that she was a former slave. "Hello, to you too. My name is Damien Ormansby. What's yours?" "Um... Summer... just.... Summer...." she replied, shifting uneasily from foot to foot, she found it easier to talk to Jade because he was an elf, but the Damien was not and she wasn't even sure how to act while talk to him. What was polite to him? What was rude? She only thought of all these things out of habit and not wanting to make him angry. "Hmm, Summer, huh? I'm sorry to hear that you don't know your full name. Oh, this here is my dog Ember." Ember, than barked happily with its tail wagging back and forth. "So is everybody finally here or are we still waiting on anyone?" Summer looked around with a confused face before answering, "I think everyone is here," she murmured, "I can't really count so...." She trailed off as Merlin perched himself on her slender shoulder and gently preened her hair, "Oh... this is my hawk Merlin." "Hello, Merlin. Alright then, it was nice to meet you Summer and Merlin. I suppose now that everyone is here though, the people in charge will start to get things rolling, no?" "I... um... I... I guess so..." Summer's train of thought was interupted as a familiar voice asked, "Getting used to everyone I hope Summer?" Ostel asked as his sturdy figure came beside her with a warm smile. And right beside the Sage of Light came the imposing white wolf with it's red eyes glaring at the newcomers, but not growling just yet. The human then looked to the new arrivals and bowed his head, "Ostel von Grimward, and I suppose I am the Sage of Light. I assume you are Sages as well?" he asked with his eyebrow raising in curiosity. "Grimward, you say? I know the name. Some nobles in Lucerna, correct? Either way, it's good to meet you, Ostel. My name is Damien Ormansby, and yes, I am a sage, of Fire to be exact." Damien then looked down at Ostel's pet wolf. "A nice wolf, you have, Ostel. My pet might be a distant cousin to your own." Ember still knelt down next to Damien, happily wagging its tail. "His name is Ember. What's your pet's name?" Ostel looked to Damien first and then down to his companion, "Sometimes I wonder if I am Snow's pet. He does not get into as much trouble as I do it seems. Funny train of thought I guess." He chuckled to himself before shaking his head and extending his hand, "Good to meet you Damien." After a firm handshake between the two, The Sage of Light turned to the nymph, "And earlier I believe you said your name was Calixta correct?" He said with formalality kicking in.