Jyoti sat in a far corner of the congested tunnel, curled up in fetal position as far away from Skull as possible. The man always had this ominous dark aura that scared Jyoti, and forget ever looking him in the eyes; he was just someone she couldn't trust. Aiden was another one that was down below, He wasn't as bad as Skull, but Jyoti never bothered to strike up a conversation with him. He was intelligent, Jyoti could give him that, but she was just to shy around those two. Jyoti watched them go over to the other end of the tunnel, clearly spotting something of value, Jyoti caught the word "Mecha" which sparked her interest, but she dare not get near Skull. Especially when he turned around, a wicked grin was plastered on his face. Aiden appeared to be arguing with Skull about something, and Skull seemed uninterested, going through his usual training routine. "If you truelly want to get it out, you first have to create something to hold the cave's roof, before it will fall on our heads... Baka..." Jyoti hugged the wall making her way to Aiden, doing her best to avoid Skull. "What's going on?" She asked Aiden, avoiding eye contact.