Hey everybody, how’re you doing? As my interest in role-playing has sparked once again, I’ve been browsing this section of the site attempting to find something that tickled my fancy. But seeing as nothing really jumped off of the page and caught my interest, I’ve come up with a bit of a... unique idea. Typically in role-plays on this forum, you have your GM, who creates a world and a plot, and asks for specific types of characters. Obviously not every single role-play on the forum is set up in this fashion, but you all get what I am trying to say. I’m looking to create something captivating and entertaining, but in a bit of a different way. I’ve created a city. I want to find three or four dedicated and creative writers, and just... Have a fun time. I want to create our characters, point us in a general direction, and just... Create the world as we go along. Basically, if one of the players comes up with an idea of something they’d like to do, they’d just have to say so in the OOC. The other players would come to agreement on where they wanted the party to go next, and we could all take turns creating quests, and countries, and creatures and cities and ruins. It would just leave so much room for exploration and character development. We would never have the knowledge of what is to come. Until we make our imagination reality. I’m looking for this role-play to fall into the medieval fantasy genre. Mythical creatures, bows, swords and even magic are all a factor here. So technology levels are lacking in most areas. As previously stated, I’ve created a city. It’s on the coast of a major land mass, and is a major trading hub; that’s all you really need to know about it for now. I’m looking for characters that want a fresh start in their lives. Men and women that have no money, no direction in life, and... Honestly, whatever you want them to be. As long as they have no cash and nothing to do. My character is looking for a little help on a business venture of his. But before anything can be done, he needs a favor. Okay, okay, I know. This post has been pretty scatter brained so far. But if you’re following the words on this page, the basic preparations for my mission have been completed. SUMMARY: All of us are the GM, and I want to create the ultimate fantasy sandbox role-play without anyone godmodding or power playing. I’m sick of all of this organization, and need a little bit of unpredictability in my life. Medieval Fantasy. Dragons. Fire everywhere. Castles and wine and elves and dwarves AAAAAAAAH YOU GET IT. So, if anyone would like to partake in this (probably unoriginal) project, feel free to express your interest and ask any questions that you can think up. I'm game for suggestions. If I get enough interest, I'll throw up an OOC thread and we'll get the ball rollin'.