Name: Jarlheim Conglomerate Race: Giants (Sky, Fire, Earth, and Mountain) Population: 2,369 -209 Sky -453 Earth -476 Mountain -1,231 Fire Color: light blue Symbol/Flag: [hider=Jarlheim Flag][img][/img][/hider] Starting Tile: Mountain Biography [hider=Sky Giant Male][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Sky Giant Female][img][/img][/hider] -Advanced society, ruled by both a high general and a elected official. -Males of the sub species tend to be several feet smaller than the females, even being born less. On the other side they are far more adept at controlling the flow of magic. -Army is mostly composed of women, have been called "great amazons". Both mockingly and of high respect. [hider=Fire Giant Male][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Fire Giant Female][img][/img][/hider] -Ruled by a single ruler who as proved themselves by both being a capable warrior, strategist, and politician. -These giants breed the fastest of the giants which is one of the causes for their more martial way of life, rather than the construction oriented mountains. - Powerful taskmasters and great warriors, there is little they know of outside of fighting. Without the conglomerate the fire giants would have to rely on raiding for supplies. [hider=Earth Giant Male/Female][img][/img][/hider] -A form of Anarchy, there is no set government but individuals are sought after for their greater knowledge in different fields. -While they look fearsome, earth giants are actually quite docile. They only resort to violence if there is no other way. -Agriculture is the name of the game. Earth giants are known for their great crops and are known to tend to great "gardens" that are commonly mistaken for forests. [hider=Mount. Giant Male][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Mount. Giant Female][img][/img][/hider] -The mountain giants have a somewhat complicated government. At birth a priest will look into the spirite of a babe and see what profession it is destined for. Each job is under the control of an overseer who has spent decades in their field of knowledge. When large problems come up all the overseers come together and come up with an answer. -Are renowned across the land for their feats of smithing, crafting, and architecture. They are known for their rivalry with dwarves. -The slowest breeding of the giants, the Mountain giants are cautious to enter wars. But if they should they supplement warriors with great constructs of war made from iron, stone, and magic. FunFacts: -The average height for Giants is 18 feet. With sky giants being slightly shorter and fire giants slightly taller. -Like elves, Giants are long lived species. The oldest being almost 750 years old. -Giants breed slowly, with the average gestation period being several years. However the mountain giants take up to decade while the fire giants only gestate for 1 and a half years. -At one point the giants didn't agree with anything, fighting over the smallest of things. However with the event of The Cataclysm, the great fall of the giants, they all put aside their differences and put their lives on the line for each other. For the first time in history the giants have worked together in a common cause, survival. -While it is possible for interbreeding to happen between giants, the chances are very low that any spawn will be born and if there are any then they are sterile. So while it isn't illegal or discouraged, its counter productive to the race as a whole. -For the most part, giants are a friendly people and rarely start conflicts. However they are no push overs, they can and will put up a great fight if provoked. -The giants all have one collective enemy, the old ones. Great beasts of elemental power said to be the founders of the giant race. However they were not a kind species and enslaved the giants, treating them as little more than cannon fodder and cattle for their meaningless wars. The influence of these creatures is still apparent in the bodies of the giants.