Silus' eyes flicked from person to person as he walked with Amaya. It had given him a slight confidence boost that she had told him he spoke the language with some competence. The fact that she blushed from a smile wasn't all too bad either. He eschewed some of the trivial conversation but noted her change in manner when they passed students asking others to join a dance club "I might think about joining a club" he said idly as they continued walking. Silus thought back to his old school, a very traditional old English private school. He remembered the old chipped brick walls and the faint scent of history that permeated each and every room. He wondered why this school didn't seem to have the same lineage behind it. He wondered how his first class in a Japanese school would end up. He entered the class and frowned at the long stares he received from the students. He understood he was a foreigner but was it really this strange to see one. He smiled at the stares and took them in his stride as he followed Amaya and sat behind her, waiting for the teacher to enter. - He couldn't help but laugh after the teacher left the class. That teacher reminded him of a character from a video game he had played a while back. His laughs receded as they were given a chance to converse now. He brushed his fingers through his ragged hair and tapped Amaya on her shoulder to get her attention, giving her another of his lopsided grins when she turned around "I'm sorry to bother you but could I ask you a favour?" He said with a laugh "can you please pull me up on any mispronunciations I make?" He adjusted his glasses, always pushing them back up the bridge of his nose. To those that would come to know him it would often be a sign of him thinking. In this case he was. His eyes were flicking back and forth between all of the faces, taking in each and every minute detail of their faces and the way they held themselves. He was always quite good at cold reading people, a skill he picked up from his father. A small smile made its way across his lips as he noticed a few already conversing. A girl with a robotic pup, one of the girls that was threatened by the teacher…they seemed interesting. Silus always preferred the company of women to men…Probably a bit of influence from his womanising father. He blew a few strands of hair out of his eyes and looked back to Amaya, the grin returning to his face as he seemed to analyse her fully. He took notice of her long legs, assuming she was a dancer from her previous interest in the dancing club. He smiled at her, she was rather pretty. He waited for her response.