The plane had been shaking for sometime now. It'd woke Daisy up from her nap. Taking one earphone out of her ear at a time, she looked over to the passenger next to her. "What's going on?" She asked, grogginess lacing a few of her words. The boy beside her shrugged and peeked around the aisle to see what was going on. From the look on his face, he had no clue. She rested her head back in her seat and sighed, playing around on her iPod to keep her mind off of things. She'd been on plane's plenty of times but they still made her uncomfortable. In the middle of looking for a song to listen to, she paused. "What's that smell?" She sniffed the air, sitting up in her seat and looking around. The plane had become foggy. Daisy, being curious, leaned over and peeked out the window. "Oh my God." She mumbled. "The plane is smoking." She whispered to herself. Just as the words escaped her mouth, the plane began to slant, coming to a nose dive. Gasps and panicked screams filled the air. Yellow oxygen masks fell from the ceiling and everyone frantically attached them to their face, including Daisy. She was panicking now, hyperventilating, just knowing she was going to die. "We're going down!" She heard the pilot yell over the PA. "Brace yourselves!" The plane made that infamous noise that you only hear on TV. Whirring as it came closer and closer to it's impact with the water below. Daisy closed her eyes, holding onto the armrest of her seat as they continued to plummet. "We're coming in too hot!" She heard a passenger scream. She opened her eyes and glanced around, the plane was full of smoke and in flames. "Our Father who art in heaven-" Daisy's head slammed into the seat in front of her, knocking her out cold. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daisy's head felt like it carried the weight of the world. She was in pain and dizzy, but couldn't find the strength to open her eyes. She had blacked out, only coming to, just once. Her eyes peeked up at a bright blue, cloudless sky. She was surrounded by water and in someone's arms. Just as quickly as she'd made those observations, she blacked out again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hey... Hey, wake up.” A boy, Luke, gently shook the shoulders of a girl who was passed out on the beach. Their plane had crashed. Daisy's once straight hair was now curly and plastered on her face. She groaned, reaching a hand to her sore cheek. “What?” She slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was Luke’s tanned, scratched face hovering over hers. His black hair dripped tiny droplets of saltwater onto her forehead which burned. “What happened?” She asked him. Slowly, Daisy sat up and began to scan the area. “Are we on an island?” Her hazel, tired eyes met his brown worried ones. Luke nodded. “We are. The plane crashed in the ocean. It’s way over there now.” He pointed towards the water where you could see the tip of the plane disappearing below the surface. “Listen. I’m gonna give it to you straight. I don’t know where we are or if we’ll be rescued any time soon. A lot of us didn't make it. The one's who did... They're all pretty banged up.” He sat back on the sand, nervously running his hand through his hair. “Are you alright? You hurt?” He asked. “When the plane went down, you bumped your head pretty hard.” “I think so.” She remembered the man was sitting next to her on the plane. “My cheek hurts. Are you ok?” Daisy asked in return. Besides the few scratches on Luke's face, he didn’t look hurt. She hadn't quite grasped the fact that the plane crashed. Daisy was in a dreamlike state. Nothing seemed real to her. “I’m fine.” Luke looked Daisy in the eyes. “Your cheek is bruised and your head stopped bleeding.” For a moment, he looked her face and body over for any more injuries as she lay in the white sand. “I was bleeding?” Daisy exclaimed, feeling all over her head to see where she was hurt. Wincing when she found the spot. There was something on it. A cloth? She looked at her hand to see the tips of her fingers stained red. She could tell the serious bleeding had stopped, but it hadn’t quite ceased yet. The sleeve of Luke’s shirt was missing. He'd used it to bandage her head.