Pandora blacked out as soon as the plane hit the water. She managed to hit her head on the window and the rest of the crash was history. Her senses came to when she felt the rush of cold salt water hitting her face. The plane was sinking and she was still inside. All around her, she could hear screaming people. Pandora glanced over to her father who was impaled by some type of pole. She went into a panic. "Papa! Papa!" She screamed as she clawed at her seat buckle. She broke free and the water was rising quickly. She cupped her fathers face in her hands. "Papa!" She screamed once more, her mouth filled with salt water. She knew it was too late and she didn't have the time to respect his soul or else she would be dead too. She took a quick gasp of breath and went under, trying to find an exit. It was nearly impossible to see as the water was stained red with blood and there were floating bodies everywhere. A red Exit sign still shone through the water and she escaped through the door and swam toward the surface. She felt as if her lungs were going to give out and she took a huge gasp of breath once she broke through, only to be interrupted by a large wave that crashed over her. She tumbled in the water, loosing sense of which way was up. All she could do was kick. Once again she tried to swim to the surface for air but another wave crashed down on her. Bubbles blocked her view, but she could still see the shadows of dead bodies now taking the ocean as their final grave. Pandora couldn't seem to fight the waves and current and she was now to weak to try. The water stung her eyes and her lungs as she swallowed more and more of it. Finally, yet again, she blacked out. She was close enough to the island though that the current washed her body ashore, only a few meters off from where the small group have assembled.