Billy remained as calm as he could in the plane as the captain was making his announcements, trying to remember the procedures that will result in him keeping his own life. Grabbing the air mask, he started to breath normally. While the others were somewhat in a panic Billy kept himself cool. Until...... WHAM! One turbulence bump was a little too much for him as he hit his head on the back of his chair. Thankfully he didn't have his tray down, who knows what may have happened if that had occurred. Shortly after his black-out, Billy was awakened after feeling the salt water wade into his socks and shoes. The plane had hit and was beginning to sink! Billy tried to get his wits together. He noticed that some passengers were leaving via the life raft. At least what looked like a life raft, to Billy it looked like a giant orange blur. Billy was near sighted and lost his glasses during the turbulence. Quickyl Billy grabbed what he could and unbuckled himself. He grabbed his briefcase and glasses and started to head out toward the orange blob which became slightly clearer. He put his eyeglasses to his eyes and felt a small scrape and cut that would accompany his headache. Billy took off the glasses and saw that they were broken during the blackout, they were now useless to him. "Dang it" Billy told himself as he tossed them to the side and quickly got into the raft. As the raft cast off with some other passengers, Billy checked himself. His phone still worked, no bars obviously, but hey, he still had his showtunes. He turned off the phone to conserve power, he may need it later. His eye glass kit was still with him, though it's purpose deflated with no eyeglasses to use. And his briefcase with belongings thankfully was still intact. His new shoes were ruined however, along with the bottom of his pants. But overall, now too many injuries...wait. Billly however didn't all too well. Along with the headache, he felt a warm liquid on the side of his head, he felt the side. Blood. He was starting to bleed from the head wound. "Is anyone on this raft a doctor? I'm bleeding!"