Silus smiled at Amaya and nodded a thank you “why would I mind if you help me understand the language of my new home?” he laughed a little and looked over to the girl she waved at. He wondered why so many people seemed to shrink away from that girl and yet Amaya was more than happy to simply wave. His eyes quickly analysed the girl, her manner seemed tom boyish despite her looks and with the almost fear of the surrounding students it was easy to surmise that this girl was one of those infamous ‘delinquents’ of Japan. He almost smirked. He knew that with such a traditional and strict nature, the rebel’s that popped up in Japanese society were particularly…unique. He almost admired that. His eyes flicked back to Amaya and he watched as her cheeks flushed slightly pink in colour. He assumed it was from his gaze previously and leant back, hoping he hadn't offended her. He listened to her questions and slowly translated them into English. His eyebrows furrowed gently, before he translated his answers “no, I've been here before…on business” he nodded a little “I've been living here two months though…I needed to leave England…” he said simply, his voice not changing as he avoided the true reason he was living in Japan.