Your has been damaged in an accident recently. Some dumbass who doesn't know how to drive hit your mirror while trying to pass you. Because you like to do things yourself, rather then take it into a shop, you head to the junkyard to find a mirror. While looking for one, the owner says you can have anything in that pile for 2$. You pull out a mirror, only to cause an avalanche of junk! You run away, and look behind at the mess you have caused. What you see is a silver 30m tall robot without a head! You purchase it for 2$ from the owner. After bolting the to the head of the giant silver robot, you find that someone has left an instruction manual inside your glovebox. You open it.. This MEGAS is controlled by your thought, the controls are merely to help you focus your thoughts and don't actually do anything. The robot will mirror what you want it do, and nobody else can use it. The MEGAS is invincible. You will not die so long as you are within it and in control. It grows in strength and power depending as you grow angrier. Should you be in immediate danger, the dashboard will always have a button that will save you. The MEGAS can travel to any fictional universe you want it to. To do so, simply insert a disk into the CD drive that corresponds to a fictional work. Loading the Halo 4 Complete Soundtrack, for example, will take you to the Haloverse, circa 2557. To open a dimensional rift, turn up the speakers to 11,000,000. The MEGAS does not obey any laws of physics, and operates entirely on Cool, Awesome, Convenient, and Funny. If you want to go to Alpha Centauri, the speed of light will not slow you down. You flip the sheet around, and you see 3 boxes to fill in. Primary, Secondary, Tetiary colors I want: __________________________________________________ Decals and stickers I want: _____________________________________________________________ A 3 letter acronym to name it: MEGAS _____ Theme Song I want to play when I'm fighting something: _____________________________________ Fictional characters I want as passengers:____________________________________________ You now have a MEGAS, the god of all mechs. What do you do?