Name: Katherine LaVelle Age: 16 Grade: Junior, 11th Grade Appearance: [hider=Katherine][img=][/hider] Personality: - Quiet but not shy, becomes talkative around friends - Likes to chime in with the occasional witty remark - Confident in herself - Can occasionally showboat - Hates loud/obnoxious people - Can be elitist and excluding at times - Prideful - Lots consider her to be an ice queen History: Considered to be the de facto leader of her tight knit group of friends who rarely except others into their circle. They are really the only ones to get Kat (as she is called by those who know her well) to open up. She has practically lived in the town her whole life and knows lots of the people, but something caused her family to move away for a few years in Middle School but she came back at the beginning of High School to take her place as reigning queen (or so it's joked). A lot of guys have tried to crack her icy exterior but none have really succeeded. That said, she doesn't really shoot them down so much as she wears them down with lack of response and warmth. Her parents are pretty easygoing but she holds herself to strict standards of keeping her grades up and herself out of trouble. She still loves to party and hang out with friends, but don't expect her to be any warmer than she is during school. Skills: - Quick learner - Decent at all subjects - Can sing well - Very socially aware Other Details: Heterosexual (has leanings sometimes), not very materalistic, single, loves to vary her style as extremely as possible (IE super grunge/punk one day and the next super bubblegum), loves cats and hates dogs (is scared of them but won't admit it due to her pride) Again, super sorry for being late, hope it's fine ^.<