A scream echoed through the streets as a man with dark auburn hair and soft grey eyes ran towards the docks. His breathing was harsh and as his studded leather boots smacked against the sounds of laughing children began to surround him. He screamed again gripping his ears and curling into a ball. The voices grew louder and louder, with the soft presence of heels moving closer. He jumped up wildly moving towards the loan boat when a thick arrow pierced through his arm and a pulling sensation ripped him back onto the ground. He screamed again, before twisting to the side and trying to run down the other side of the dock into the water when another arrow pierced through his legs. He fell forward, his face smacking against the edge of the dock, before he was pulled back. He cried out in pain as he dug his fingernails into the edge of the dock, trying to peel at the wood. He was suddenly pulled back, blood spilling out to make his travel much more slippery. When he stopped. He slowly lifted his bleeding and bruised face to see where the chains connected. His eyes began to widen in horror at the seven small children standing behind a lone woman with haunting black eyes. He began to get to his knees when a small boy let forth another arrow into the man's other limb. the chain was pulled and he fell back onto the ground. He was angry now, and he thrust forward towards the kids when another final arrow proppelled into his upper calf, straight through. He screamed blood beginning to gush from his wounds and his mouth. He screamed out into the darkness,"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME? WHAT DID I DO??? WHAT DID I DO???" The children spoke in unision, their eyes black as blood began to flow down their small little corpses,"You stole us from our parents. You took away our happiness. We are the remains of the one's you destroyed and this is the day of your REAPING!" The man turned to the woman with horror coating his expression,"YOU'RE..THE REAPER!" Jinx nodded, a small smile curving her lips as she lifted her arms, the four children holding the chains moving in opposite directions. The children began to laugh, as the chains began to grow taught and the muscles within the grown man's limbs began to grow taunt. He spit out some blood and swore, as excruciating pain seared through his body. He watched the black haired woman, point to the leftover three children and mumbling something in a forbidden language. Suddenly the pain exploded as a severing tear began to fill his ears. He turned to the left to find his left arm held onto his body by a small piece of skin. He screamed in terror as it was suddenly gone. A loud pop came from his leg as pain wrenched through him and air filled the void. The children who held the end of the chains began to climb up the large poles around the dock, pulling behind them the severed limbs of the man who miraculously was still clinging onto life. They attached them at varying degrees of height, letting the blood flow onto the soft wood in a pattern of leg, arm, arm, leg. The man fell to the dock, the pain so bad that he could no longer utter a word. Jinx's fingers twitched as she walked up towards the man and leaned down her eyes returning to blue,"I know the amount of pain you are experiencing at the moment is unbearable at the moment but I decided to keep that soul attached for a few minutes to make sure you know that every inch of anguish you are feeling right now, is just the beginning. I have never been to hell, but I can assure you their is a devil. You will be seeing him soon." She stood gripping his collar as she slid him to the final pole. She lifted him up and slammed him against the pole, and showing off his neck. She stood behind him gripping him tightly as he moaned and groaned in utter agony. She closed her eyes, her eyes going black as the remaining children lifted their crossbows and took aim. She leaned forward her arms straining against the wait as the man looked at every victim he raped and tortured. Tears ran down his face as the children who were once innocent victims stared at him with plain faces. The arrows went off and the body stayed resolute when Jinx let go. She walked around the body and moved towards the children not looking at her handiwork but knowing that the infamy of Phantom should be secure with this execution. She felt the dust of the corpses flutter behind as the weapons fell to the ground. She stood quietly as seven small souls circled her form, then began to fade into nothing. She felt a tear run down her cheek, at the loss the parents must have felt. She fell quiet and began to walk back into the dark, before her emotions got the better of her and the blood began to stink up the area.